College of Education and 人类服务

St. 查尔斯,莫. / St. 路易斯,莫.
教育(马) with emphasis in 课程 and Instruction

St. 查尔斯,莫. / St. 路易斯,莫.
教育(马) with emphasis in 课程 and Instruction

College of Education and 人类服务 NAVIGATION

Master of Arts (MA) offered in On-campus, Online, and Blended formats.

*On-campus format will require some online classes for degree completion.

课程 and Instruction

Completion of this area strengthens students as classroom educators, instructional coaches or teacher leaders. 学生可能 personalize their own learning by selecting 18 graduate credit hours from the College of Education and 人类服务 in EDU, EDS or EDT courses.

课程 & Instruction - Teacher Ed